IGT065F – Update of T-PR-GT4 reference within the iGT Network Code

This Modification was raised by E.ON on 11th June 2014 and will be considered by the Modification Panel on 16th July 2014.

The Proposer has proposed that this Modification should be considered as a Fast Track Self Governance Modification.

As per IGT UNC Part L 12.7, “within fifteen Business Days of a Fast Track Self-Governance Modification Proposal being issued by the Code Administrator…a Pipeline User, a Pipeline Operator, a Materially Affected Party (if any) or a Third Party Participant may, in writing to the Code Administrator, object to the proposed Fast Track Self-Governance being made via the fast track self-governance route. Such notice should…include any representations the objecting party wishes to make in support of their objection”.

Parties are therefore invited to submit any objections to the Code Administrator before 2nd July 2014.

No objections to the proposed use of the fast track process were received by the Code Administrator.

The legal text (contained in the Modification Proposal) was approved by the IGT UNC Modification Panel on 16th July 2014.

IGT065F will be implemented with effect from 1st October 2014.

Document Title Description Type Pub Date Author
IGT065F Modification Proposal Adobe PDF 11/06/2014