Self Governance Modification Rules

From the Gas Transporters Licence; Standard Condition 9

“Self-governance criteria” means that a proposal, if implemented,

a. is unlikely to have a material effect on:

i. existing or future gas consumers; ii. competition in the shipping, transportation or supply of gas conveyed through pipes or any commercial activities connected with the shipping, transportation or supply of gas conveyed through pipes; iii. the operation of one or more pipe-line system(s); iv. matters relating to sustainable development, safety or security of supply, or the management of market or network emergencies; and v. the network code modification procedures; and unlikely to discriminate between different classes of parties to the uniform network code / relevant gas transporters or gas shippers.


“Fast track self-governance criteria” means that a proposal, if implemented,

a. would meet the self-governance criteria; and

b. is properly a housekeeping modification required as a result of some error or factual change, including but not limited to:

i. updating names or addresses listed in the network code and/or the uniform network code; ii. correcting minor typographical errors; iii. correcting formatting and consistency errors, such as paragraph numbering; or iv. updating out of date references to other documents or paragraphs.